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    Great read on the Florida Florida St softball. Looks like some rivalries go well beyond the gridiron. The most amazing sporting events aren't always the ones run on the biggest budget.

    Here in Washington, the rumor mill was in full force. The Redskins interest in Cutler has created a similar "JC" situation here in DC with current Burgundy and Gold quarterback Jason Campbell. While I'm sure Campbell is unhappy about the Skins looking for his replacement, my guess is that he will never say anything about it publicly and will handle the situation with a lot more calm and deflective answers than Cutler.

    As far as Washington goes, I guess the price was too steep for the Redskins mgmt. It's also being reported that Denver basically said they'd rather have Kyle Orton than Jason Campbell. That says a lot about what the rest of the league thinks of Campbell and his development, who was a 1st round pick in 2005 (Orton went in the 4th round that same year).

    Back to Cutler and whether or not this would have been good for the Skins. While Cutler has had much more success to this point in his career than Campbell, if you switch their career paths, I think the results would be flipped. Campbell can throw the ball deep, but has never really been allowed to. Campbell has worked with an average offense and below average WR's in a division patrolled by some of the best defenses in football. Cutler worked with one of the game's best coaches, has had better receivers and played in a more wide open system and division. If Cutler had come to DC, I don't think he would have put up numbers like he did in Denver... except maybe the interceptions.

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